Established by his Family
Adam Apfelblat was a vibrant and positive human being. He loved life. He loved sharing what he had with others. And he loved to make others feel good. His tender, soft and warm personality, together with his genuine smile made all people he encountered feel comfortable and special.
Adam was a Chiropractor. He excelled in his work, and he loved helping his patients enhance their health and live a better life.
Adam was a proud Jew. He had a great interest and passion for doing Mitzvot. He was specifically passionate about the Mitzvot of laying Tefillin, hanging Mezuzot and donating to after hours religious school education at Chabad of Novi.
Adam passed away unexpectedly at the age of 44.
Created by his family in his loving memory, this fund will help finance the Mitzvot that Adam was passionate and excited about. Every donation to this fund will help people do these Mitzvot. By creating this fund, we hope Adam’s memory will continue to live and thrive through these acts of Mitzvot and acts of kindness.
Please help us keep Adam's memory and legacy alive!
Click the Mitzvah financial assistance icon below if you are in need of financial assistance for a pair of Tefillin, a Mezuzah scroll, or after hours religious school education at Chabad of Novi and fill out the form
Click the donate icon below to make a donation to the Adam Apfelblat Mitzvah Fund